Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Sense of Humor...

Lately, I've been neglecting the farm and spending most of my nights surfing you tube for videos that make me laugh. This one made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants. They took a section of the lord of the rings movie, voiced over it, and slowed it down. I hope you laugh as hard as I did!


Sarah said...

I didn't quite pee my pants, but very funny none the less. I've always thought that part of the movie was particularly cheesey anyway.

Karissa said...

I've never seen the film but it still made me laugh. If you missed SNL last week when Justin Timberlake hosted, you missed the funniest thing ever. Here's a you tube link for your late night surfing. http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/digital-short-motherlover/1099491/

It is a follow up from another one they did call D*** in a box. I know you will laugh and not take offense.